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Working from home, and the clothing to rely on more now than ever! Whilst it is important to feel relaxed in your new working environment, it’s always a good idea to show your closet some love… For many of us, working from home can mean lounging around for days on end in active-wear and pjs.

At barry made, now is the time to stylishly wear your fun casuals everyday, to comfortably work from home whilst dressing in more than your pjs, to add excitement and style to every day.In a time when we are now restricted from doing what we love – going to cafes/ restaurants, bars, pilates, spending time with actual people – we need to take control of what we still can, and do what makes us feel like our normal selves, even if the circumstances are not ‘normal’. For us, it is wearing comfy that makes you look as good as you feel. To stay connected with other lives’ locked-down, we are giving a little glimpse into how life has changed for so many Australian women since lock-down, and suggestions from real #BMSISTERS for entertaining and lighting our creativity whilst at home.

Share your at-home looks

@barrymade_studio #BMSISTERS 

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